The Lenten season often feels long. For 40 days the people of God reflect on the reality of evil in our own lives and the world around us. It is tempting to rush to Easter. For the season of Lent, we are slowing down and intentionally walking our way through Luke 22 and 23 to observe how Jesus prepared to overcome the Evil One and reverse the curse of sin that was unleashed into the world generations ago. The Passover, his betrayal, his humiliation, and ultimately his death; were all part of Jesus’ plan to defeat the Evil One. Join us this Lenten season as we prepare ourselves to celebrate Jesus’ victory over sin, death, and the devil on Resurrection Day!
Join us every Sunday at 7:45, 9, or 11 at our usual times.
All mid-week services will be in person at noon in the sanctuary and streamed.
Midweek Noon Service Dates:
March 12, 19, 26
April 2, 9
Instead of the evening lent services this year will have the noon service stream available along with family lent devotionals and a daily lectio devotional reflection. There will be NO evening lent services in person except for Ash Wednesday, a special service April 2, and Holy Week services.
Date: Wednesday, March 5
Time: 12:00 noon and 7:00pm
Imposition of Ashes starts 30 minutes before at 11:30am and 6:30pm
Date: April 2
5:45-6:45 Meal hosted by youth
7:00-8:00 Service
Childcare provided
Fasting is a common spiritual practice for Christians, particularly during the season of Lent. Everyone is invited to participate in a church-wide fast from sundown on April 1st to 5:45 pm on April 2nd, where we will gather in the church lobby to feast as a family of faith over a meal hosted by the Youth of Bethany.
After the meal, we will gather for an evening of music and prayer. The choir and band will lead us in music that will help us focus on our need for Jesus during this Lenten season. We will culminate the evening with experiential prayer stations designed to deepen our connection to God and reflect on the journey of Christ to the cross.
Date: Saturday, April 12
Time: 9am-12 noon
A fun event for the whole family.
Petting zoo, food trucks, games, and more!
Date: Thursday April 17
Time: 12 noon and 7:00pm
The 7pm service is going to be at time to celebrate with the first communion students as they take their first communion and reflect on the promise of Christ in the passover.
Date: Friday, April 18th
Time: 12:00 noon and 7:00pm
Come at 11:30am or 6:30pm for a meditative experience before the start of the service.
At both the noon and evening services the Chancel Choir will be presenting, THE SOLEMN SHADOWS, a Tenebrae service written by Austin composer, Joseph Martin. This service is a tradition handed down from medieval times of observing Good Friday. It is a sacred time for Christians to gather and reflect on the events of Jesus’ passion. Through music and readings, we will experience a series of five tableaus from the final days of Jesus’ life and be reminded of the beautiful Christ, and His sacrifice for the sins of the world.
Date: Sunday, April 20th
Service Times: 8am, 9:30am, and 11:00am
All services are the same with full orchestra and Holy Communion
Promises are powerful but only when they are kept. On that first Easter Sunday Jesus' tomb was empty, proving that his promise to deal with evil once and for all was not an empty promise. Join us on Easter Sunday as we celebrate the victory of our God as we experience the promise of the resurrection.
Daily Lectio is a podcast designed to help you slow down and meditate on Scripture. Each day Pastor Anthony will guide you through praying a portion of Scripture in the style of Lectio Divina, which is an ancient spiritual way of reading Scripture.
We will begin this journey together on Ash Wed, March 5 as we meditate on various Psalms throughout the season of Lent.
Bethany has first communion classes that are geared toward 5th grade students or middle school students who have not completed first communion instruction.
Preparing for first communion will be on Sunday mornings during the Bible study hour at 10am in the chapel starting on Sunday March 9th and ending on Sunday April 13th.
First communion will take place on Thursday, April 17th at 7:00pm during the Maundy Thursday service in the sanctuary.